Kebab. There are places in the world where the missionaries, even in their humble circumstances, are wealthier than the people they serve: dont insult them and embarrass yourself by over-dressing. Brussels is the city of miracles and Nogent is a dream. They gave me a brief introduction to the language, which helped me see what I was in for. (Aaron), I loved teaching my investigator, Marie-line, because she was so sincere. Everyone was happy to move on to his or her fields of labor. (Bryan), The people are very kind and stick to themselves. (Michael), Paris (twice), Tours, Meaux, St. Nazaire, Limoges, Cherbourg, Rennes. (Douglas), I gave and participated in 15 musical concerts while a missionary, invited people to the missionary visitor center by playing the violin, and saw almost 50 baptisms. Save some money and buy a suit or two in France. Check out YA Weekly, located in the Young Adults section under Audiences in the Gospel Library, for new, inspiring content for young adults each week. I think that I knew about two words of Spanish before I entered the missionary training center, and then the fact that I could walk away two months later speaking rudimentary Spanish to me is miraculous. Just trust in the Lord. (Nicholai), The language was really hard for me. I later found that the fellow spoke perfect English. (Stuart), Well I had a French companion and I was joking and said your mom to him in french but in french that means a super bad word haha so be careful with your translations haha. I have a stronger testimony. I love their politeness, manners and gentility. if you dont know the truth when you first leave, I promise you will know as you let yourself go to work and you will come back a better person. The people outside of Paris seem more friendly to Americans than Parisians do. (Jordan), It rains a lot in France! He was quite disheveled, and asked if he should dress up a little we said, if you want to! We finally ran into one of our Evangelical African friends who cast out the demon in him. (Chloe), Dont worry about trying to express everything that you want to say. Members are helpful. (Douglas), Someone stopped me on the street and started asking about us. We started our two-year mission in 1972 in an old school by Temple Square and ate downstairs at the Hotel Utah. It just made sense. Dont assume they dont understand you if you are speaking in English together. (Zakarias), Buying three tickets for Trois from a kiosk in Le Havre. Paris P-Days are so much fun. (Bryan), One of so many would be having my companion feel prompted enough by the Spirit and asked a devout Muslim to kneel with us and offer a prayer and end in the name of Jesus Christ. (Jeffrey), I wish I knew the language better. I remember when I buckled down on my mission, and really devoted energy to speaking, reading, and writing, how I was blessed for my efforts and how my ability to remember and retain vocabulary multiplied, and my language abilities really improved. (Michael), It covers three countries. Some random guy didnt like that and ran up to my companion and I and threw a punch at me but stopped his swing right before it hit my face. Heres a recent address for the ParisMission. Summers, you need to organize your time so that you arent in the sun for too long of a period. His friend pulled him away but we were scared, partially from the sense that we were not as well protected because we had not been obedient that day. (Alex), Force yourself to learn the language, talk to people, talk to your companion. I was part of the last group of missionaries ever called to the Philippines that didnt get language training. Wind chill drops the temp 10 degrees and the wind cuts through any clothing you have. It never got too cold, but spending too much time outdoors in the winter was chilly business. We were having our district meeting that morning, so two companionships from out of town had arrived earlier by train and they were stopped and informed by police officers just outside our apartment of the situation. The missionaries attracted converts and established a base for more Latter-day Saint French-speaking immigrants. (Paul), The countless times of bearing testimony on the street to complete strangers. I've been looking for a comprehensive list but no luck so far. I havent been back to Europe for more than three and a half decades. (Mariah), I loved going to Paris. Rochelle R. Hale of Simi Valley, California, served in the Argentina East (renamed Argentina Rosario) Mission 19741976, Spanish speaking. Madeline Evans of Riverton, served in the Chile Osorno Mission, 20162018, Spanish speaking. Learning the discussions was more of a challenge for me, but the fact that I was able to memorize them at all was another testimony that I was being blessed by the Spirit. (Stuart), I learned French! I am married with 6 children and currently serve on the High Council and I am still a missionary every day. Believe that everything will work out and dont worry so much. But then she turned towards me and she said, this is the most beautiful street!! During that time when we were in Church meetings or speaking with investigators, I went through a little mind game of listen, translate; translate, speak; repeat. Eventually I was thinking and praying in Spanish, and if there were words that I didnt understand, I could still get the context of what was being discussed. The Divine Gift of Forgiveness. Before serving a mission, I had studied Japanese, Spanish, and ASL for a couple years each. (Douglas), Crme brle, lapin la moutarde, crpes, couscous algrienne, une bonne quiche, et un sandwich baguette pour quelques euros sur la rue. (Alex), Living in the neuf-trois in Paris during gang fights(Jacob), We were a little bit late coming home one night. At times I was talking to the people next to me on the plane, not realizing I was speaking to them in Spanish. (Bryan), Almost knocked out a drunk Irish guy that kept jabbing me in the side trying to start a fight. She asked me to volley with her, so I handed my things to my companion and we volleyed for a minute or two in front of the Htel de Ville. From June of 1963 until August of 1976, the Knight-Mangum Hall served as a place for missionaries to live, eat, learn and worship. This is the caption information found on the frame plaque accompanying this photo, one of nearly a dozen historical photos showing the development of the Language Training Mission and Missionary Training Center facilities in Provo since the 1960s. (Doug), Good sturdy yet lightweight luggage. Again, the next transfer took me to Pietarsaari (Jakobstad), where I spent the last four months of my mission. I went with two other friends and we were to listen to a record (that was the technology of the day) and follow directions. I felt the Spirit very strongly as I was able to answer Yes. The other blessings were from the ways I grew on my mission. Shortly after leaving the apartment, I felt the Spirit tell me to talk to the guy crossing the street in front of me. Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service, Children and Youth: A Face to Face Event with Elder GerritW. Gong. (Douglas), I love their love and pride in their culture and continual quest to perfect their language. (Jeffrey), We were about to enter an enclosed complex where I saw few exits and 2 young Arabs when I was prompted that we should ignore the reference and travel and hour back to our main area. Cheese. (Kale), The Moloroff (speed record of 6:15). Jeff Rowland of West Jordan served in the Philippines Ilagan Mission (now called the Cuauyan Mission), 19901992, Tagalog speaking. John Boekweg of San Antonio served in Finland, 19881990. Foofoo. The language training was intense and fast. (Chloe), Investigators reading the scriptures and telling us what they learned. More people than I had imagined are in Paris. Here are LDS-friendly educational videos aboutFrance. It was exhausting. (Chloe), Drunk people on the streets were sometimes hostile. (Zakarias), Its hard and long but its what you make of it, Make sure you have a solid testimony of the Gospel, especially The Book of Mormon. Many of the things I learned from trying to get the award helped me to understand the gospel better. We spoke French to her and she repeated it all in Russian. (Valan), Love of scriptures. (Anna), (Sisters) Dont feel like you have to have Everything youll need for 2 years. Study skills. One day while we were speaking to a Norwegian, the man turned to me and said, You should teach your American friend to speak better Norwegian. His daughters letting members dedicate his grave, his daughters accepting the LDM that the members gave them with their testimonies of eternal families. I love their architecture, their love of flowers and symmetry, their pride and knowledge of their history, their wisdom growing from their mistakes. France Paris Mission (Merrilyn), I never ate cheese in my life. Life-long friends. Missionary Training Center. Learning to talk with anyone from any background. (Jacob), We had an investigator who was searching for something better in life. (Zakarias). (Dennis), People, natural vegetation, culture. They are excellent cooks as expected. La Sainte Bible, 1990 edition of the Louis Segond 1910 United Bible Societies version published by the Bible Society of France. Neil L. Andersen. (Merrilyn), I met a woman whom my dad had taught and baptized 20 years earlier and that reinforced the importance of sharing the gospel and strengthening get new members I also now teach French and LOVE the connections I still have in France as I have been able to keep several friendships strong . Here's a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Belgium Brussels LDS Mission. When I served, Bislama was not taught in the missionary training center and I had to learn in the field. I studied French a year in junior high, two years in high school, and one year in junior college. Every apartment will have enough. Haitian Creole is pretty similar, and knowing French would help a lot there, too. A very short time after arriving in Spain my companion and I were teaching a young family. Try to keep it as small as possible. (Jeffrey), Kebabs, crpes, coquilles St Jacques. It was acquired by the Institute in June of 1962 because it was close to campus and had its own cafeteria. Sometimes sunny. The scriptures are available in a variety of formats for this language. I remember how at first, nothing was familiar, like it sometimes is in other languages. I remember when it finally clicked in my head, and I could truly understand and speak without having to translate everything in my headeven though I still couldnt say everything I wanted to yet. It was definitely nerve-wracking. $13.99 - $34.99. (Drew), While serving in Lorient, France in the spring of 2001, we were surprised to find the entire center of town and a 1 km radius around it under evacuation orders because a construction crew had discovered an unexploded bomb from WWII buried beneath the ruins of an old bunker that was being demolished in an expansion project for the local stadium (Lorient had been an Allied port and submarine base during the war). Photo provided by the Provo Missionary Training Center. There is a lot to do. Strange as that sounds! (Alex), Layer! We hiked up a mountain one weekend when everyone from Tarbes went to a Missionary Training Session in Bordeaux and there was only room for all missionaries but one so another had to stay behind so we could be a pair. I love how particular they can be, and how they say hello to every person in the room before they sit down. (Dennis), Rainy, humid, great sunny days, too. During the time I was there we were able to get exercise playing soccer and basketball. It existed until 1852 when it was closed due to restrictions by the French government, and the missionaries left the territory. You can submit your own article, ideas, or feedback at Nothing changes the truthfulness of the gospel and Satan will work against you, so fight the battles and win. (Jeffrey), Depends on what part of the county youre in. I am still applying the positive attitude in improving my English every day. Mine was definitely the best =), Ah, that's right. I dont know if they ever got baptized, but I was definitely prompted to talk to him. (Scott), When I was serving in Belgium, we were walking with our recent convert to his house when he ran in front of us and mooned us hahaha. Write your testimony in copies of the Book of Mormon that you distribute. But when I got to France they used cheese on everything and I started eating it and could not believe how much I loved it. Get a good,lightweight jacket thatll keep you warm and dry. (Scott), St Nazaire Sarcelles Versailles Paris Poitiers Meaux Cergy. (Scott), Pack some short sleeve white shirts, I didnt haha buy good shoes, sturdy firm bottom, waterproof. She said she was hoping to talk with us more, and what a miracle it was that we just appeared! (Mariah), Had a great companionship study in the morning and really felt the Spirit. I loved the people and the area. It gave me a solid foundation of language training and the scriptures and how to hear the language of the Spirit. But he followed me and came straight up to me with scissors and took off a few inches of a chunk of my long red hair and scurried away. [4] The Church claims a membership of about 38,000 in the country, representing less than 0.1% of the population. He just wanted to help me learn a little more Norwegian. After retirement, I finished my lengthy French academics and received a bachelors degree in French in 2014. (Valan), Dont bring tons of American clothes. American baggy clothes stick out like a sore thumb. (Bryan), The Bible better and Book of Mormon. But throughout the course of our service, the Spirit has confirmed to us that we are exactly where the Lord needs us to be and that He will magnify our efforts to accomplish His will here in this corner of the earth. After some major headaches, it would finally start to click. The caption information found on the frame plaque accompanying this historical photo reads: Missionaries spend many classroom hours each day learning foreign language and missionary discussions, practicing teaching skills, studying scriptures, and developing deeper understanding of gospel doctrines and principles. The photo is one of nearly a dozen historical photos showing the development of the Language Training Mission and Missionary Training Center facilities in Provo since the 1960s. One of the most amazing miracles is that the two-month learning process is the strongest and solid foundation youll ever build before heading out into the world and preach that language. (Mariah), I have some of the most amazing friends who have been able to come visit in the U.S. Miss those things dearly. Photo provided by the Provo Missionary Training Center. (Jeffrey), France is a beautiful country. Also, people enjoyed food. They are amazing men and their wives are incredible and strong. I am now 73 years old and I still speak Portuguese, the language I learned as a 20-year-old. I love their appreciation and priority for music and the arts. For my last few transfers, we were able to get 20 lessons a week, which is stellar for any mission, especially with larger geographic alliance. I want to live in a place like this. My nervousness changed to joy, and we kept walking along the road, talking to everyone that came close. Rabbit. As missionaries, we seek to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel.1 And as French-speaking missionaries serving in Arizona, weve found that our missionary work has also presented us with unique, diverse, challenging, and culturally vibrant experiences. The man kept referring to the Book of Mormon as the Book of Joseph Smith. He repeated it enough times that I understood what he was saying. (Anonymous), My companion and I were beat up by three Arabs about a month after 9/11. Intermittent rain that youve got to be prepared for ;). I served on La Runion for my full 2 years. The Alumni House is where the original Missionary Language Institute began. I should have just tried and learned rather than being worried about being embarrassed. Everything you do/learn will apply to whatever you do after your mission for the rest of your life. (Mariah), Dont wear your clothes to deathjust buy some new suits when the old are worn out and the same goes for your shoes. I tended to remember all the unusual words that no one else could remember. I was on exchanges and we were unknowingly being led to someone who was about to commit suicide. By November 1, the foundations of several buildings were above ground. This is the caption information found on the frame plaque accompanying this photo, one of nearly a dozen historical photos showing the development of the Language Training Mission and Missionary Training Center facilities in Provo since the 1960s. Heres a list of LDS missionary blogs for the ParisMission. It is so enriching to learn form people from every corner of the world and you can learn so much from them. How to enjoy being anywhere. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: France Parismissionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments. (Doug), Pray for the people even before you get your call. There was no dictionary available for us at the missionary training center. Most missionaries could never completely master the grammar, as there were no complete resources to do so, and Kiribati people didnt think of their language as having grammar rules, that it was just the way it is. I also learned to listen better. (Kale), Poubelles, crepes, couscous, steak-frites. They love fine food, good education, good music, small gatherings, they dress nicely and are generous. Thats what its about Joy in the journey. (Stuart), I was blessed with two difficult companions. Today when I hear certain words or sing certain Church hymns, I fondly recall that I first learned them in Spanish. Pastries. (Alex), Their loyalty to family and good friends. We just kept riding. Hair? Pretty hot in the summer. Language. Product details Package Dimensions : 10 x 8 x 1 inches; 4.8 Ounces I even introduced my wife to them on our honeymoon in Paris five years after returning home. In our first discussion with her, we felt the spirit so strong that my companion asked her to be baptized and she responded that of course she would beas if that was a silly question. Rain gear a must. 2002, Belgium Brussels Mission renamed to Belgium Brussels/Netherlands Mission. We also were supposed to memorize dozens of scriptures that went along with the discussions that we were learning. Meals and classes were on campus. Some of us may wonder if we were really called to the right place or whether we can truly make a difference. We were required to take a test at the Institute of Religion on the campus of University of Southern California in Los Angeles. (Jeffrey), You will teach mostly African immigrants. The Gym is located directly across the street from the old Brigham Young Academy on University Avenue in Provo. This is the caption information found on the frame plaque accompanying this photo, one of nearly a dozen historical photos showing the development of the Language Training Mission and Missionary Training Center facilities in Provo since the 1960s. (Elsa), The opening of the Bordeaux StakeElder Packer was phenomenal. (Alex), Love the people and enjoy your differences and similarities. It was great. In Phoenix, the Lord has prepared missionaries and members alike to share this important message in the French language. There are many kind, beautiful Muslims, many vibrant and funny Africans, people from the old French colonies, transplants from Asia, South America, the rest of Europe, and also many tourists. My first city was Prato, just north of Florence (Firenze). Hot summers (Anonymous), Wet and cold most of the year and hot and humid in the summer. In the missionary training center, we learned the Tahitian language for six weeks and then tried to learn French for the next six weeks while trying not to forget everything we were taught in Tahitian. If this will happen in the future given the eternity of time ahead of us why is it not just as reasonable to conclude that this has happened in the past and that we are part of a immortal eternal race who are here on earth to learn how to make moral decisions without being forced to IE Agency. (Anonymous), I served in an ever changing mission with boundary changes, area closures and much adversity, but I still had a very successful mission serving in 8 different areas, living in 10 different apartments with 15 different companions. Long suffering. (Bryan), A strong testimony of the work and of the church. Since we did nothing everyone was a lot nicer to us. My DNA be stolen or something? (Stuart), Crpe, Burrito Fte, Donner Kebab, Brioche, Galette Brtonne, Crme Frache Pizza. I really felt I was being taught by the Spirit because I struggled a bit with Spanish in college before my mission, but at the LTM it just came together. I wish I knew the doctrine better or even had a stronger testimony on certain things. In 1982 the first French-speaking stake in Switzerland was organized in Geneva, and by the year 2000 there were over 7,000 Saints in Switzerland. Dads great-grandfather had moved to Germany from Norway, so I had roots in the country. The sisters where Im from wear black all over! We tried to explain to him that we werent nuns, and he thought that we were sad about it, so he spent 20 minutes reassuring us that someday we could be nuns. I queried locals about grammar and vocabulary. Printed text: Online Store. (Dennis), Raclette, Crpes, Quiche lorraine, Ptisseries (viennoise and pain au chocolat aux amandes), African peanut chicken sauce and rice, and Baguette ham & gruyre sandwich. We were able to set the stage for the visitor center, the temple, and new branches and stakes. Youll get rid of the big one quickly of you bring it. Bread. Huang Yi-Hsuan, Milano, Italy, served in the California Carlsbad Mission, 20082010, native lanugage is Chinese, English-speaking mission. Missionary Preparation. Frequently Asked Questions. We were trying to get away from him for like 30 minutes. Adriatic North Mission Adriatic South Mission Alabama Birmingham Mission Alaska Anchorage Mission Albania Tirana Mission Alpine German Speaking Mission People skills. (Kara), I mistakenly told a member in the hospital that I was glad that she smelled better, rather than feeling better. provides free missionary websites to LDS missionaries and their families giving them a great way to communicate and share mission experiences. Learning by mastering the six discussions in French and being immersed in the Waloon and French cultures, with the foundation of my language education, is how I became proficient in French. I served a mission in the Franco-Belgium Mission from November 1965 to May 1968. How to love all of Gods children. (Anonymous), Perseverance. If we are here now, what will our race be like a hundred, a thousand, a million years from now even if there is no higher power to interfere with our progress? . basically serving in Nogent was 10 months of a fantastic spiritual experience that has continued ever since. Even today, Im able to remember specific parts of the discussions that have helped me in speaking or teaching situations explain gospel topics. I wanted to learn Finnish very well and it was only after I had been out about a year that I listened to my mission president and his promise that he would fulfill any righteous desire. We studied listening to the Spirit and acting on faith. Upon entering the LTM and in attempting to speak only Finnish, all my high school German came flooding into the vacuum of my mind. I spent most of my time talking to the young children and toddlers in the branch. (Mariah), Not many baptisms. Hangers take up a lot of space in your luggage. 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