The matter proceeded to a jury trial on June 5, 2019. 397, 508 N.E.2d 708 (1987)). When I saw the Markham Police car I knew I had to get out of there. Defendant's motion for a new trial was denied. revoked driver's license, Previous post: Important changes to Illinois retail theft laws. 331 (2001). Form 7004 or to the disqualified person's last known address. Fleeing and eluding may be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony in Illinois, depending on the facts of the case. Code. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Additionally, I had two ounces of marijuana on me. (aggravated discharge of a firearm), Section 24-1.2-5 (aggravated discharge of a machine file a return to report taxes due under section 4951 for self-dealing with a Nuclear Decommissioning Fund filed after July 1, 2008. The trial court properly convicted the defendant of felony murder only. It is unimportant that the defendant did not anticipate the precise sequence of events that followed upon his initial unlawful conduct; his acts precipitated those events, and he is responsible for the consequences. Again, the defendant makes a single-sentence argument that is unsupported by any case law. How can I win my summary suspension hearing? 2004-388. Aggravated fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer. I ran across 155th Street and through the yards across 155th Street. cause of the death or injuries; (C)the person committed a violation of driving under the influence of alcohol or 491, 687 N.E.2d 973: We believe that the analogies between civil and criminal cases in which individuals are injured or killed are so close that the principle of proximate cause applies to both classes of cases. I don't know his last name or where he lives. (a) In general. The Bureau of Identification is located in Joliet just to the southwest of Chicago. The court went on to state that the shot fired in opposition to the escape of the fleeing burglars was a direct and foreseeable consequence of defendant's actions. the Internal Revenue Service office designated in the application's instructions; 95 1/2, par. As a result of the fictional transfer, the homicide is deemed committed with malice; and a homicide with malice is, by definition, a common-law murder. 25 S. Ill. U.L.J. The object of the felony murder statute is to limit the violence that attends the commission of felonies, so that anyone engaging in that violence will be automatically subject to a murder prosecution, should a murder occur during the commission of a felony. compound or compounds as an element of the offense or the person has previously been When Brogdon exited the car, he noticed damage to the rear driver side quarter panel, and as he walked to the back of the car he saw some black trousers under his police car. I look out the rear view mirror and saw a Markham Police car drive eastbound on 165th Street. Lil Moe was in the passenger seat. After advising defendant of his Miranda rights, defendant provided Coyne with a statement. This result was especially foreseeable to defendant because he had engaged in two other high-speed police chases which resulted in crashes shortly prior to this one. (People v. Cabrera, 116 Ill.2d 474, 108 Ill.Dec. 94-276; s. 896, ch. Can they prove that you caused the damage, or is it just assumed that the property was undamaged before the event in question? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The trial court, in finding defendant guilty of felony murder, recognized that aggravated PSMV was not specifically enumerated under the statute. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. The supreme court, in affirming the defendant's conviction of felony murder, reasoned that [t]he commission of the burglary, coupled with the election by defendants to flee, set in motion the pursuit by armed officers. Hickman, 59 Ill.2d at 94, 319 N.E.2d 511. (3) Remit the amount of the properly estimated unpaid tax liability on or before the officer, after being given a visual or audible signal by a peace officer in the manner How Do I Get My Suspended Drivers License Back? (5) involves the concealing or altering of the vehicle's registration plate. 93-120, eff. As the court stated in People v. Coady, 156 Ill.2d 531, 190 Ill.Dec. In People v. Greer, 326 Ill.App.3d 890, 261 Ill.Dec. Defendant's brief states only: Since the judge was silent about the other 5 charges, including aggravated PSMV, there was an implied acquittal as to these.. (b)Any person convicted of a first violation of this Section shall be guilty of a These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. By showing the court that the police officer was too far away for the visual or audible signal to be effective. In People v. Banks, 287 Ill.App.3d 273, 222 Ill.Dec. Griffin requested that defendant return the car. People with suspended licenses for violations such as parking tickets or similar fines will be eligible for automatic reinstatement of driving privileges. gun or a firearm equipped with a device designed or used for silencing the report great bodily harm to that individual, the vehicle shall be subject to seizure and Finally, defendant argues that the trial court's sentence of 40 years' imprisonment was excessive and constituted an abuse of discretion. NOTE: The page below features additional content to discuss the effect of the SAFE-T Act (Public Act 101-0652). However, a second conviction will result in a suspension for one year. Following a bench trial, defendant was found guilty of one count of felony murder and sentenced to 40 years' imprisonment. Fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer. Contact us. Accused of a DUI? The facts also establish that there was strong evidence that defendant intended to commit aggravated PSMV and that a car crash was a foreseeable consequence of his actions. On appeal, defendant argues that his conviction must be reversed because; (1) aggravated possession of a stolen motor vehicle is not a forcible felony; (2) he is excluded from culpability under a plain reading of the felony murder statute; (3) the State failed to prove proximate cause; (4) the trial judge's failure to enter a finding of This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When reviewing a challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence, the reviewing court considers whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. [Citation.] Charged with Fleeing & Eluding? such cigarettes; (3)an offense prohibited by Section 28, 29, or 30 of the Cigarette Use Tax Act 2 if the vessel or watercraft, vehicle, or aircraft contains more than 10 cartons of Serving Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, Will County and other surrounding Counties. Defendant argues that his conviction for felony murder was improper because aggravated possession of a stolen motor vehicle (aggravated PSMV) is not a forcible felony under section 9-1(a)(3) of the Criminal Code of 1961 (Criminal Code) (720 ILCS 5/9-1(a)(3)(West 1996)). Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal needs. The law says that if a police officer has given a person a visual or audible signal directing them to stop and they willfully fails to obey or refuses to obey such a signal, they are fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer. of operating a watercraft under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, intoxicating All rights reserved. WebThe felony of aggravated fleeing or eluding and the felony of aggravated fleeing or eluding with serious bodily injury or death constitute separate offenses for which a person may be manslaughter and reckless homicide), Section 10-2 (aggravated kidnaping), Section They are able to formulate a strategic defense to increase the likelihood of you defeating the charge. There, the defendant was also charged with felony murder based on the commission of aggravated possession of a stolen motor vehicle. Preventing a DUI from being upgraded to a Felony DUI. 434, 634 N.E.2d 34 (1994) the court held: [F]orcible felonies are so inherently dangerous that a resulting homicide, even an accidental one, is strongly probable. (b) Any person convicted of a first violation of this Section shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony. (aggravated criminal sexual abuse), Section 11-6 (indecent solicitation of a child), This charge is classified as a Class A Misdemeanor, which carries up to 364 days in jail and a $2,500, plus court costs. At the stop sign I again saw the Markham Police car. Similarly, Officer Brogdon testified that he heard car engines revving and tires squealing in the area. A written declaration of forfeiture of a vehicle under this Section shall be sufficient A driver in DuPage County actually had his conviction for Aggravated Fleeing and Eluding. 736, 678 N.E.2d 348 (1997), mob action was held to be a proper predicate offense under felony murder. Griffin stated that after the repairs were finished, he drove the car to a housing project on 154th Street in Harvey. Therefore, the trial court properly determined that, under the facts of this case, aggravated PSMV constituted a forcible felony under section 2-8. The defendant, however, is eligible for probation. How Does Illinois Address Possession of a Controlled Substance? As defendant did not actually kill the victim, his conviction for felony murder carries a sentencing range of not less than 20 nor more than 60 years. Vehicles -204.1.Aggravated fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer on Westlaw, Law Firm Tests Whether It Can Sue Associate for 'Quiet Quitting', The Onion Joins Free-Speech Case Against Police as Amicus, Bumpy Road Ahead for All in Adoption of AI in the Legal Industry. driver's license revocation, In People v. Pugh, 261 Ill.App.3d 75, 199 Ill.Dec. driving permit or a valid judicial driving permit or a valid monitoring device driving The sergeant mistakenly believed that the detective was one of the fleeing suspects. Perkins testified that the truck turned into a gas station parking lot, struck some cars in the lot, and then turned back onto Halsted. by any driver or operator of a motor vehicle who flees or attempts to elude a peace 342, quoting Torcia, Wharton's Criminal Law 147 at 296-97 (15th ed.1994). 36-1. If you are convicted of fleeing and eluding police a second time, then the license suspension increases to 12 months. was determined to have been under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, intoxicating The penalty can be up to 364 days in jail and the court can order the defendant to pay a fine of $2,500. Defendant appears to be arguing that this court should, under a plain reading of the statute, interpret section 9-1(a)(3) under an agency theory. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Search Illinois Statutes. Criminal Offenses -1.Property subject to forfeiture on Westlaw, ABA Votes To Keep Admission Tests Requirement, The Onion Joins Free-Speech Case Against Police as Amicus, Bumpy Road Ahead for All in Adoption of AI in the Legal Industry. and Safety Act 8 or a similar provision for the third or subsequent time. Lowery, 178 Ill.2d at 470, 227 Ill.Dec. Generally, for a first-time charge with no aggravating factors present, it will be charged as a Class A misdemeanor. All rights reserved. [Citations. The car Lil Moe gave me was stolen. Felony murder depends solely on a cause and effect relationship between the crime committed and the resulting murder to impose liability. 491, 687 N.E.2d 973, the court held: [t]he intent of the legislature is an adherence to the proximate cause theory. Vehicles -204.1.Aggravated fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer - last updated January 01, 2019 Web(a) The offense of aggravated fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer is committed by any driver or operator of a motor vehicle who flees or attempts to elude a peace As our cases make clear, application of the felony-murder doctrine does not depend on the guilt or innocence of the person killed during the felony or the identity of the person whose acts causes the decedent's death. Dekens, 182 Ill.2d at 252, 230 Ill.Dec. Chicago police officer Perkins testified that on August 26, 1997, he observed a red pickup truck run a red light at the intersection of Halsted and 95th Street. Any vehicle used in the commission of felony fleeing or attempting to elude can be seized by the state and sold at auction. (e)In addition, property subject to forfeiture under Section 40 of the Illinois Streetgang Vogenthaler testified that at Halsted and 99th Street, he observed a black male exit a red pickup truck at a gas station and run eastbound across Halsted. I turned right on Wood. Probation is possible. However, after a second or greater offense, it Moreover, we believe that the intent behind the felony-murder doctrine would be thwarted if we did not hold felons responsible for the foreseeable consequences of their actions. Lowery, 178 Ill.2d at 466-67, 227 Ill.Dec. Speeding 21 mph over the limit while attempting to elude, Causing more than $300 worth of property damage, Disobeying two or more traffic control devices (stop lights, signs, etc. 729, 667 N.E.2d 1305. 984, 695 N.E.2d 474. Establishing via cross examination that my client did not take evasive actions. Because a conviction for aggravated fleeing or eluding can result in imprisonment, it is vital that you work with an experienced Illinois traffic violation attorney who can advocate for your rights and your freedom. Burglary is an enumerated felony, but is stealing a bicycle out of a garage more serious than driving down a street in a two or three thousand pound motor vehicle and running stop lights and running stop signs at high rates of speed? (a) The offense of aggravated fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officeris committed by any driver or Sec. Schedule a call with one of our experienced lawyers today. For example, if the cop is traveling in the opposite direction or sitting on the highway median and suspects youre speeding, they may try to turn around or pull out into traffic to catch up. The parties stipulated that if Thamrong Chira, Cook County medical examiner, were called to testify he would express an opinion to a reasonable degree of scientific and medical certainty that Officer Sean Laura died of multiple injuries sustained as a pedestrian that was struck by an automobile. Knapp testified that the defendant indicated that the patrol car was following him with its police lights activated. For example, if the evidence showed that defendant deliberately rammed his car into that of the victims or any individual who was in the direct path of the vehicle, there would be no question that the predicate felony, i.e. (3)he is attempting or committing a forcible felony other than second degree murder. (Emphasis added.) The Illinois Vehicle Code defines aggravated fleeing or attempting to elude In addition to Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol (625 ILCS 5/11-501) or The felony murder doctrine was recently discussed in great detail in J. Hilliard, Felony Murder in Illinois, The (Agency Theory) v. The Proximate Cause Theory: The Debate Continues, 25 S.Ill.U.L.J. if the revocation or suspension was for: (i)Section 11-501 (driving under the influence of alcohol or other drug or drugs, People v. Bailey, 311 Ill.App.3d 265, 268-69, 244 Ill.Dec. In todays blog, we take a closer look at the crime of fleeing or eluding police in Illinois, and how you can defend yourself against the charges. 11-204.1) date designated in such notice. Reach Out Today. 11-204.1. Therefore, my client is not guilty. This registry of information is maintained by a department of the State Police. and: (A)during a period in which his or her driving privileges are revoked or suspended (625 ILCS 5/11-204.1.) I drove into the alley until I could ditch the car between a garage and a pole. Welcome to FindLaw's Cases & Codes, a free source of state and federal court opinions, state laws, and the United States Code. What Qualifies as Forgery Under the Illinois Criminal Code? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Your license will also be suspended, and subsequent violations would be upgraded to a Class 3 felony, which carries even stiffer penalties. You have a right to fight back, You dont need to make money to face mortgage fraud charges, Why you need to understand the scope of a search warrant. Defendant is, therefore, subject to the felony murder doctrine if the decedent's death is the direct and proximate result of the defendant's felony. Dekens, 182 Ill.2d at 252, 230 Ill.Dec. A conviction for this offense will cause the Secretary of State to suspend the defendants drivers license for a period of six months. (b)(1), (b)(2), (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), (e)(4), (e)(5), (e)(6), or (e)(7) of Section a subsequent conviction of either spouse or the family member, the spouse or family In other words, these offenses are considered serious enough that you wont get points your license will automatically be suspended or revoked if you are convicted. ), Section 11-204 1 Our supreme court stated in People v. Lowery, 178 Ill.2d at 466-67, 227 Ill.Dec. Most Illinois traffic violations are assigned a certain number of points, such as 55 points for. bodily harm, or permanent disability or disfigurement to another, when the violation This standard of review applies equally to bench trials. Maria the receptionist was awesome very understanding, patience and made me feel at ease with the whole situation. Brewton walked to the end of her sidewalk and looked down the street. The reason is, a forfeiture proceeding is civil, and the standard of proof is lower than in a criminal case. If you face an Aggravated Fleeing and Eluding charge in the state of Illinois, contactRichard at Fenbert & Associates, LLCfor a free consultation. The defendant drives more than 20 miles per hour over the speed limit; The defendant causes more than $300 in property damage; or, The defendant disregards two or more official traffic control devices (e.g., stop light, stop sign, etc. 729, 667 N.E.2d 1305 (1996). The provisions of this paragraph shall apply only to one forfeiture per vehicle. Brogdon gave the suspect's physical description and direction of travel over the radio as the man was passing across the street. (2) Any person who willfully flees or attempts to elude a law enforcement officer in an authorized law enforcement patrol vehicle with agency insignia and other jurisdictional markings prominently displayed on the vehicle with siren and lights activated commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or The evidence is clear that defendant was determined to elude capture but not that he intended to kill anyone during the course of the chase. Belk, 326 Ill.App.3d at 295, 260 Ill.Dec. What are the possible penalties? 768, 622 N.E.2d 798; see also People v. Johnson, 154 Ill.2d 356, 370-72, 181 Ill.Dec. If the State is unable to prove these elements, then your attorney may be able to use those facts to have your charge dismissed or be found Not Guilty. Detective James Knapp testified that after receiving information regarding the accident, he began canvassing the area for defendant. 481, 472 N.E.2d 441 (1984), citing People v. Moore, 95 Ill.2d 404, 411, 69 Ill.Dec. Read more This was a result of defendant's flight and was a direct and foreseeable consequence of defendant's original actions., Read this complete Illinois Statutes Chapter 720. WebLegal publisher offering ordinance codification services for local governments, specializing in providing codes of ordinances in print and on the Internet (iv)reckless homicide as defined in Section 9-3 of this Code; (B)has been previously convicted of reckless homicide or a similar provision of a For these reasons, we decline to follow Belk. If this is a second or higher offense, the penalties increase. The pertinent facts of the case involve the events that occurred the evening of September 20, 1997. Perkins stated that the driver then exited the vehicle and began to flee eastbound down 98th Street on foot. Is a Cell Phone Ticket Considered a Moving Violation in February 5, 2023 By Attorney Tristan Hinriksson. 116 Ill.2d 474, 108 Ill.Dec, 622 N.E.2d 798 ; see also People v. ilcs aggravated fleeing and eluding, 261.! Was following him with its Police lights activated motor vehicle 356,,... A statement to suspend the defendants drivers license for a new trial denied! At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources the. Registry of information is maintained by a department of the case involve the events occurred! Result of defendant 's original actions and direction of travel over the radio the... 295, 260 Ill.Dec, officer Brogdon testified that the driver then exited the vehicle registration... Use this website 108 Ill.Dec period in which his or her driving privileges registry of is. Or to the southwest of Chicago when I saw the Markham Police drive... Than in a Criminal case additional content to discuss the effect of the SAFE-T (... 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