Add to Cart. The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel, they cannot spare him the agonies of dying on the cross, they will therefore remit the labor of carrying it. Your noble Prince is preparing for his marriage: mine is hastening to his doom. So numerous has the family of man now become, that there is a death every second; and when we know how very smell a proportion of the human race have even nominally received the cross and there is none other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved oh! There are more unlikely things than that you will be dead before next Sunday. The most careless eye discerns it. Angels cannot suffer thirst. The last of his last words is also taken from the Scriptures, and shows where his mind was feeding. Of the many benefits we have in learning from Paul, a few stand out:1. He is indeed "Immanuel, God with us" everywhere. We ought not to forget the Jews. Think of that! Let us exult as we see our Substitute going through with his work even to the bitter end, and then with a "Consummatum est" returning to his Father, God. Conservative, but not too much depth. We may well remember our faults this day. I fear me, beloved, I fear me that the most of us if we ever do carry it, carry it by compulsion, at least when it first comes on to our shoulders we do not like it, and would fain run from it, but the world compels us to bear Christ's cross. Exposition of the Gospel according to John by Hendriksen, William, 1900-1982 (1953) 526 pages 19 ratings the people saw him in the street, not arrayed in the purple robe, but wearing his garment without seam, woven from the top throughout, the common smock-frock, in fact, of the countrymen of Palestine, and they said at once, "Yes, 'tis he, the man who healed the sick, and raised the dead; the mighty teacher who was wont to sit upon the mountain-top, or stand in the temple courts and preach with authority, and not as the Scribes." The power to suffer for another, the capacity to be self-denying even to an extreme to accomplish some great work for God this is a thing to be sought after, and must be gained before our work is done, and in this Jesus is before us our example and our strength. Remember, dear friends, that what Christ suffered for us, these unregenerate ones must suffer for themselves, except they put their trust in Christ. There is a fulness of meaning in each utterance which no man shall be able fully to bring forth, and when combined they make up a vast deep of thought, which no human line can fathom. Beeke, Joel R. & Thompson, Nick. A phantom, as some have called him, could not suffer in his fashion: but Jesus really suffered, not only the more refined pains of delicate and sensitive minds, but the rougher and commoner pangs of flesh and blood. and they smote him with their hands. Even now to a large extent the true Christian is like a Pariah, lower than the lowest caste, in the judgment of some. Come let us pour out full flagons, until his joy is fulfilled in us. No sufferings of ours have anything to do with the atonement of sin. It is not fit that he should live." The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. Secondly, we shall regard these words, "I thirst," as THE TOKEN OF HIS SUFFERING SUBSTITUTION. 19:1-18 Little did Pilate think with what holy regard these sufferings of Christ would, in after-ages, be thought upon and spoken of by the best and greatest of men. Some of these were persons of considerable rank; many of them had ministered to him of their substance; amidst the din and howling of the crowd, and the noise of the soldiery, they raised an exceeding loud and bitter cry, like Rachel weeping for her children, who would not be comforted, because they were not. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible. So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. His most fruitful years of ministry were at the New Park Street and later the Metropolitan Tabernacle pulpit in London. I will give you one of his thirsty prayers "Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory." Great and worshipful being that he is, truth is to be altered for him, the gospel is to be modulated to suit the tone of his various generations, and all the arrangements of the universe are to be rendered subservient to his interests. (1-3) Jesus enters the garden, followed by Judas and his troops. Christ must die a felon's death, and it must be upon the felon's gallows, in the place where horrid crimes had met their due reward. I have sometimes met with persons who have suffered much; they have lost money, they have worked hard all their lives, or they have laid for years upon a bed of sickness, and they therefore suppose that because they have suffered so much in this life, they shall thus escape the punishment of sin hereafter. Justice must fly the field lest it be severe to so deserving a being; as for punishment, it must not be whispered to his ears polite. There are no passages in all the public ministry of Jesus so tender as those which have regard to Jerusalem. We see in Simon's carrying the cross a picture of what the Church is to do throughout all generations. He said, "I thirst," in order that one might bring him drink, even as you have wished to have a cooling draught handed to you when you could not help yourself. "And they took Jesus, and led him away." Alas, my brethren, I cannot say much on the score of man's cruelty to our Lord without touching myself and you. 1089 - The Man Greatly Beloved . Usually the crier went before with an announcement such as this, "This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, who for making himself a King, and stirring up the people, has been condemned to die." All this is a blessed clog upon us, and a means of keeping us more near the Lord. After preaching his first sermon at the age of 16, he became pastor of the church in Waterbeach at the age of 17. Certainly it is so with you; you do but carry the light end of the cross; Christ bore the heavier end. Your heir of royalty is magnificently drawn along the streets in his stately chariot, sitting at his ease: my princely sufferer walks with weary feet, marking the road with crimson drops; not borne, but bearing; not carried, but carrying his cross. I have now a third picture to present to you CHRIST AND HIS MOURNERS. Spurgeon left this earth for his heavenly hope in 1892. 'Tis his cross, and he goes before you as a shepherd goes before his sheep. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Dear friends, we must remember that, although no one died on the cross with Christ, for atonement must be executed by a solitary Savior, yet another person did carry the cross for Christ; for this world, while redeemed by price by Christ, and by Christ alone, is to be redeemed by divine power manifested in the sufferings and labors of the saints as well as those of Christ. Conceal your religion? This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. "Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with me in paradise" this is the Lord Jesus in kingly power, opening with the key of David a door which none can shut, admitting into the gates of heaven the poor soul who had confessed him on the tree. For the thousands of eyes which shall gaze upon the youthful Prince, I offer the gaze of men and angels. April 14th, 1878 by C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892). Thirst is a common-place misery, such as may happen to peasants or beggars; it is a real pain, and not a thing of a fancy or a nightmare of dreamland. John and Herod 1549 - Good News for Thirsty Souls 1550 - The Unspeakable Gift 1551 - Today! Christ was always thirsty to save men, and to be loved of men; and we see a type of his life-long desire when, being weary, he sat thus on the well and said to the woman of Samaria, "Give me to drink." ( John 19:1-4) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked. you that are ashamed of Christ, how can you read that text, "He that is ashamed of me, and of my words, of him will I be ashamed when I come in the glory of my Father, and all my holy angels with me." Shake off the thought, any of you who suppose that God will have pity on you because you have endured affliction. Charles Haddon Spurgeon December 1, 1861 Scripture: John 19:30 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 7 It is Finished! It is that he may eat and drink with you, for he promises that if we open to him he will enter in and sup with us and we with him. Let me add, that when we look at the sufferings of Christ, we ought to sorrow deeply for the souls of all unregenerate men and women. It was pain that dried his mouth and made it like an oven, till he declared, in the language of the twenty-second psalm, "My tongue cleaveth to my jaws." Separately or in connection our Master's words overflow with instruction to thoughtful minds: but of all save one I must say, "Of which we cannot now speak particularly." When Jesus had spoken these words, He went out with His disciples over the Brook Kidron, where there was a garden, which He and His disciples entered. He must love his chosen whom he has once begun to love, for he is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. "'Twere you my sins, my cruel sins, His chief tormentors were; Each of my grimes became a nail, And unbelief the spear. Your path runs hard by that of your Master. It is done. Oh! We read, "The soldiers also mocked him, offering him vinegar." We are in the world, but we must never be of it; we are not to be secluded like monks in the cloister, but we are to be separated like Jews among Gentiles; men, but not of men; helping, aiding, befriending, teaching, comforting, instructing, but not sinning either to escape a frown or to win a smile. "It is finished" is the last word but one, and there you see the perfected Saviour, the Captain of our salvation, who has completed the undertaking upon which he had entered, finished transgression, made an end of sin, and brought in ever lasting righteousness. are they not more like sharp vinegar? "Women, behold thy son!" Includes cross references, questions, verse by verse commentary, outline, and applications on John chapter 19 for small groups. What a cataract of immortal souls dashes downwards to the pit every hour! "Wist ye not," said he, while yet a boy, "that I must be about my Father's business?" Think, dear friends, there are some in this congregation who as yet have no interest in Jesu's blood, some sitting next to you, your nearest friends who, if they were now to close their eyes in death, would open them in hell! These are silken days, and religion fights not so stern a battle. We do not know what may have been the color of alimony face, but it was most likely black. He thirsted for water doubtless, but his soul was thirsty in a higher sense; indeed, he seems only to have spoken that the Scriptures might be fulfilled as to the offering him vinegar. Neither in torture of body nor in sadness of heart are we deserted by our Lord; his line is parallel with ours. Oh! Cheerfully accept this burden, ye servants of the Lord. See, it has been blackened with bruises, and stained with the shameful spittle of them that derided him. Among other things methinks he meant this "If I, the innocent substitute for sinners, suffer thus, what will be done when the sinner himself the dry tree whose sins are his own, and not merely imputed to him, shall fall into the hands of an angry God." Some of them have no objection to worship with a poor congregation till they grow rich, and then, forsooth, they must go with the world's church, to mingle with fashion and gentility. Commentary on John 19:31-37 (Read John 19:31-37) A trial was made whether Jesus was dead. He thirsted to pluck us from between the jaws of hell, to pay our redemption price, and set us free from the eternal condemnation which hung over us; and when on the cross the work was almost done his thirst was not assuaged, and could not be till he could say, "It is finished." "I reckon that these light afflictions, which are but for a moment, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." His wounds unstaunched and raw, fresh bleeding from beneath the lash, would make this scarlet robe adhere to him, and when it was dragged off; his gashes would bleed anew. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" is the first. O to be enlarged in soul so as to take deeper draughts of his sweet love, for our heart cannot have enough. Even when man compassionates the sufferings of Christ, and man would have ceased to be human if he did not, still he scorns him; the very cup which man gives to Jesus is at once scorn and pity, for "the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." Do not let the picture vanish till you have satisfied yourselves once for all that Christ was here the substitute for you. Believing this, let us tenderly feel how very near akin to us our Lord Jesus has become. This cross was a ponderous machine; not so heavy, perhaps, as some pictures would represent it, but still no light burden to a man whose shoulders were raw with the lashes of the Roman scourge. As Christ went through the streets, a great multitude looked on. Glorious stoop of our exalted Head! You see there the multitude are leading him forth from the temple. IV. The Church must suffer, that the gospel may be spread by her means. My Lord is not altogether without his espoused one. Beloved, there is now upon our Master, and there always has been, a thirst after the love of his people. The last word but one, "It is finished." Simon had to carry the cross but for a very little time, yet his name is in this Book for ever, and we may envy him his honor. But what shall be your cry when you shall say, "Good God! Oh, wondrous substitution of the just for the unjust, of God for man, of the perfect Christ for us guilty, hell-deserving rebels. And said, Hail, King of the Jews!_ Dear friend, if you think that you suffer all that a Christian can suffer; if all God's billows roll over you, yet, remember, there is not one drop of wrath in all your sea of sorrow. 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