[ARCHIVAL Clip, Panel: Well, I mean, Hitler thought that if you were Jewish, that you had given up the right to be a mother and hed sterilize people as well. This is Radiolab. JAD: I find myself thinking like, Okay, I know these kids have their genes half from me, half from my wife. JAD: I mean, were not gonna do that ourselves. But along with the support came attacks, particularly as drug-addicted women began to sign up. BARBARA HARRIS: With a child, they give you a whole folder full of information, tells you all about them. JAD: Hey, wait. JAD: Thanks to Olov Bygren, reporter Pejk Malinovski and KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Karin Borgkvist Ljung, and I'm a senior archivist at the National Archive in Marieberg in Stockholm. Radiolab is on YouTube! He thought that you could kind of engineer societies by changing the environment. And he said, "Barbara, I'm not buying a school bus." Okay, and then I just had to accept it. Yes, but creating an assumption that there is a class of people who don't deserve to procreate, who aren't worthy of procreating the human race, leads you down a path that we should have great concern about. And she told Barbara, "There's something you need to know about this baby.". Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. To her, I matter. And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. PEJK MALINOVSKI: This is the verkalix church parish record. There's going to be this massacre of toads and only a few lucky ones are going to survive. So imagine the DNA in that brain cell. Females seem to hate laying eggs in the water, but is that the end of the story? That, in a sort of ass backward way was Michael's question. JAD: Theyd basically starve. Well, her explanation is that these women are having, in her terms, litters of damaged babies and society forever will be responsible for them. BARBARA HARRIS: And I knew that the only way I was going to get a daughter was if I went and became a foster parent and asked for one. Yes, but creating an assumption that there is a class of people who don't deserve to procreate, who aren't worthy of procreating the human race, leads you down a path that we should have great concern about. ], Sterilized? JAD: But according to Kammerer, here's what happened when he heated up the toads little cage. [ARCHIVAL Clip, Panel: You don't think that they should have their children back?]. We inherited this beloved show that we first fell in love with as listeners. More brain cells? Yeah. JAD: I got to say this is spooky. Listen to the first three stories of the "Inheritance" Radiolab Podcast (Control + click on link to access podcast. LYNN PALTROW: Are there people whose drug use is so out of control they can't parent? Meet Jeremiah! Have you ever had someone call or write you and say that they regret their decision? MICHAEL MEANEY: Mom's licking activates serotonin. Whole lifetime of stretching. SAM KEAN: Really slowly, gradually, achingly slowly. Now the Sweden story from our last segment left us both feeling a little strange. You know? I could have turned out like some of the other kids. Now, according to Carl, your genes are still fixed. ROBERT: And they didn't have these on land? But this stuff you're telling me about Sweden feels very grim in a certain way. That's against the rules. PAT: If Barbara had gotten to Destiny's birth mom, Destiny, Kalia, this moment, none of it would exist. So he actually went to Vienna. This lady right here is still taking drugs and she could be pregnant again next month.]. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of. Enhancing public understanding of science and technology Yeah, we're exploring questions of lwhat can you pass down to your kids and their kids? ROBERT: According to Darwin, life and changes are ruled by chance. Telling some genes to turn off now, other genes to turn on. And so, they bring MICHAEL MEANEY: A lot of friends to the party. Completely answer all questions in Section I AND Section IV. He had one remaining midwife toad. My situation turned out positive. _. Radiolab is on YouTube! OLOV BYGREN: Something happens on the molecular level. JAD: [laughs] Youre just just judo, that's all this is. The bit of DNA that will give this baby when it grows up the instincts to be nice to its baby, and lick that baby. OLOV BYGREN: Well, the DNA, the RNA, micro-RNAs, histone. PAT: And in 1989, when the story we're telling now started, she was living in California, in Orange County. JAD: I tell you what I'm going to do though. Who are they? LYNN PALTROW: I'm Executive Director and Founder of National Advocates for Pregnant Women. Each stone represents a radioisotope by means of a. And she's a complete nut. That was nice. Its gonna get messy. Let me say this again. Yeah. It's a small forest area, very beautiful. PAT: Have you ever had someone call or write you and say that they regret their decision? That doesn't matter. Not been born at all. Never mind, you're stuck with small boobies." Riksarkivet. He's not just talking about toads anymore, he's gone way beyond toads. SAM KEAN: That was the implication, except Kammerer tried to defend himself by saying CARL ZIMMER: "Do you think I'm a Dummkopf, or an idiot, because that's what I would have to be if I left a forgery with ink standing around openly in the laboratory where so many of my enemies would have entry?". That's a lot of people. JAD: I know! Plus, find other cool things we did in the past like miniseries, music videos, short films and animations, behind-the-scenes features, Radiolab live shows, and more. Radiolab is a radio program broadcast on public radio stations in the United States, and a podcast available internationally, both produced by WNYC.Hosted by Jad Abumrad, Latif Nasser and Lulu Miller, each episode focuses on a topic of a scientific and philosophical nature, through stories, interviews, and thought experiments.. I know! She got one. CARL ZIMMER: To build these terrariums and aquariums and stock them with animals. PAT: Right away, people accused her of targeting women at their weakest moment and enabling their drug abuse. SAM KEAN: What's happening during this time is that you're setting aside the stock of cells that you're going to draw on in the future to make sperm cells. BARBARA HARRIS: No, I've only had somebody call and say they regret that they didn't stay on birth control. DESTINY HARRIS: No, she was an oops kid. ROBERT: And those lucky ones, according to Darwin's theory, they would have had to have been born with some random mutation in their genes SAM KEAN: That gave them an advantage in this situation. ROBERT: Because the Soviets, they believe in Karl Marx's idea that human beings were an improvable species, that if you can change the conditions around people, you change the people. Well, yep, that is so true. BARBARA HARRIS: I was just pissed at what they have done to my children. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, Daytime Talkshow: You get them $200 each, which they can spend on crack. Once a kid is born, their genetic fate is pretty much sealed. ROBERT: You wonder, where did that come from? I should add too. So. I mean, youre just youre saying a lot of things that are really impressive. LATIF: Still, still standing. Truth is, we dont know precisely how this happens but somehow the experience of starvation marks the DNA. MICHAEL MEANEY: Yeah, it drifts into something like a shopping channel. How old are your boys right now? OLOV BYGREN: The results are there. LYNN PALTROW: The women who I've worked with, who've had a history of drug problems, aren't like the examples that she gives. All rights reserved. If . That is impossible, so far as we know, but there seems to be this layer on top of the genes. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: This is real physical-chemical interaction between what's going on in the environment and what's going on with the DNA. PAT: The moment I really felt like, "Whoa," was when we started talking about PAT: The little baby that we keep hearing in the background of everything. And looking at these swings in fortune, Olov realized what he had here was Because with all this data, he and his team could follow families forward in time, through the generations. That the licking is changing the baby's DNA? I mean, were not gonna do that ourselves. Full transcript: Radiolab co-host Jad Abumrad on Recode Media The new season of More Perfect, a spinoff show from Radiolab, began airing Oct. 2. The reason they're more aroused is that the mom's licking activates the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the pup. So if they saw somebody who was starving as a kid in 1820, they could then see, "Well, when those people had children and grandchildren, did anything change? We went to the foster home and went in. From pneumonia. What do you mean? PAT'S MOM: Radiolab is produced by Jad Abumrad. JAD: See, this is the story of science that doesn't get told. Nice, cool water. Suddenly you're marked. Who now works at Columbia University. DESTINY HARRIS: And right now, I'm student teaching. JAD: Well think about what makes proteins. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. To any drug-addicted woman who will agree to have no more babies. Lamarck said, You wanna know how a giraffe got its long neck?, One day this giraffe, mother giraffe, lets say, was looking up in the tree and saw some fruit, and had to stretch he neck, and stretch again. SAM KEAN: I guess the way I would look at it is that you can change your environment a lot more easily than you can change your genes. JAD: But were gonna play you stories where JAD: This is Radiolab. BARBARA HARRIS: It was just no baby should have to come into the world like that. Move on to the next cage yes, no? You're eight, sorry. ", In other words, "Could I pay women who have drug problems to stop having babies?". She asked my opinion and that's what I'm giving. And then that baby would stretch and stretch, and it would give a little more stretching to its baby. Environmental Biology Radiolab - Inheritance Due to Haiku by Monday March 3rd Name: Dmitry Matveev Date: JAD: Everybody we talked to seems to think there's something really interesting going on here. You know, they say it only takes one time. But I take it that we have more control over our destinies and our kids' destinies than we would've thought. The lady knew why we were there. So heres the backstory. Maybe you can explain this to me, Robert. Including a particular amphibian that plays a very big part in this story. She was totally an oops kid. PEJK MALINOVSKI: Okay, I'm here. DESTINY HARRIS: Oh my goodness. PAT: But at that point just two of the six boys were living at home, Brian and Rodney. If your grandpa didn't starve, instead he lived through great times. Covid has disrupted the most basic routines of our days and nights. 2K views almost 2 years ago 48:23 Love it or hate it, the freedom to say obnoxious and subversive things is the quintessence of what makes America America. She said, "Well, she's just beautiful and she has lips like a baby doll." Okay. It might be a mixture. ROBERT: Okay. He stuffed himself silly; 9, 10, 11 years old, so he's a happy grandpa, you the grandson, you then would have. As Barbara made the rounds on the daytime talk shows, the reaction was split right down the middle. ROBERT: Because it's got the thing stuck to it? JAD: In any case, what they saw at the end of all this counting wasWell, first of all, what they saw was this pattern that rat pups who got licked a lot as babies, when they grew up, they licked their babies a lot and the rat pups who didn't get licked a lot, when they grew up, they didn't lick their babies. The authoritative record of programming is the audio record. ROBERT: Which, when you think about it, it has a very Lamarckian flavor. We talked to her for a little while and At a certain point the social worker pulls out a stack of papers. Three of them ended up in other foster homes and seem to have done pretty well, but one of them DESTINY HARRIS: Okay, well of them, don't really know what happened to her. Were there any consequences? OLOV BYGREN: Methylations, phosphorylation, and so on. What does that mean, he was an idiot? SAM KEAN: You got to help boost if you had a starving grandfather. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. She's not offering treatment, she's not offering counseling, and there are programs that do that. I just saw them as child abusers. You can't change your DNA. Are there people whose drug use is so out of control they can't parent? PAT: This great. Turning down a job that they'd offered him. CARL ZIMMER: But there were a lot of skeptics. SAM KEAN: This was a really, really big effect. [foreign language]. JAD: These are four kids from the same birth mother? I dont know. JAD: He works at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden where he studies population data. ROBERT: I think that makes a lot of sense. But if you've got a mom who licks you. Don't you see, somehow the mother's tongue is getting all the way down in there and going [mumbles] and messing with the baby's DNA. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. Test the outer edges of what you think you know. I said, "This will be the last one. JAD: Even if it helps, it's horrifying. But here's what I did not know about DNA. I have to be creative.". You're obviously a great mom, but that feels cold to me. That doesn't matter. These are women who love their children, who sought help. Move on to the next cage yes, no? You're finishing college, right? Were there any consequences? Thats just the cold logic of Darwinian evolution. You know, the fact is that taking care of animals, trying to keep them alive in a building is not an easy thing, especially if it's 1903. But if you've got a mom who licks you. JAD: And I know I cant change those genes. And one of them is called the thyroid system. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. Thank you so much for your interest in Radiolab. They began to grow these all puffy things on their hands. Because here's the thing, the churches up in verkalix kept incredibly detailed records. Destiny says one day, she and her mom were in the car, and her mom said She said, "I don't know, you know, maybe they'll grow bigger? Serotonin gets into the brain cells, and according to Michael unleashes A whole series of molecular events inside the cell. DESTINY HARRIS: Our staff includes Alan Horn, Soren Wheeler, Pat Walters DESTINY HARRIS: With help from Matt Kielty, Chris [unintelligible 01:04:17], PAT'S DAD: And Kenny [unintelligible 01:04:18], PAT: Special thanks to Martin [unintelligible 01:04:21]. They decided to explore this question, They thought, "Let's just see if we can figure out how it is the rat mothers pass down their parenting skills?". I mean, for one thing, Barbara's white and Destiny's black. Is that too old?" These people are paying millions of dollars to take care of your children!]. Go to him. And youre saying that part of the DNA is covered up? ROBERT: So, somehow, by some chemical mechanism, starving grandpa, back when he was about 9 to 12 years old, turned out to be a good thing. JAD: Not only that. Very easily. I mean, it's pretty common but like, here's a for instance, my dad from my entire life had this thing where if someone was whistling, he would. If you start smoking when you're 10, 11 something like that, you end up having children with more problems. When Kammerer published his results initially, a bunch of scientists immediately began to say CARL ZIMMER: "Wait a minute, hold on here, it would be nice if life was like that but life isn't like that. Thyroid hormones then get into the brain and they turn on certain neural chemical signals. ROBERT: And rewrite the so-called rules of genetics. ROBERT: They could eat twice, three times as much. Well, there was an expert on reptiles named G. Kingsley Noble. Because the Soviets, they believe in Karl Marx's idea that human beings were an improvable species, that if you can change the conditions around people, you change the people. But in the middle of a conversation about how to fight the virus, we find a place impervious to the stalled plans and frenetic demands of the outside world. You got your good parents and your bad parents. You're slippery, partner's slippery. Instead of dying at 40, I'd live to 70? That's how I've always looked at it. I'm Carl Zimmer's daughter. And this idea won him a lot of fans, including, not surprisingly, the Soviets. PAT: But were getting ahead of ourselves here. But she says she doesn't feel that way anymore. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. As to diabetes, it was a four-fold risk. CARL ZIMMER: He actually named his daughter Lacerta, which is a genus of lizard. Oh my goodness. DESTINY HARRIS: You missed it. ROBERT: So what is the licking doing then? No, she was an oops kid. Kammerer, for one, was sent off to work as a sensor for the Austrian military. JAD: Lamarck said, You wanna know how a giraffe got its long neck?, JAD: One day this giraffe, mother giraffe, lets say, was looking up in the tree and saw some fruit, and had to stretch he neck, and stretch again. PEJK MALINOVSKI: It's not very politically correct, huh? I'm the founder and director of Project Prevention. 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