Sometimes, pit bulls can develop skin rashes and sunburn, especially if their coat is white-ish. In comparison to the American pit bull . Unless the dog is roaming in an enclosed area that is secure, ensure that you put them on a collar and leash at all times. Below youll find ten common health issues in Pit bulls. This breed is susceptible to many types of cancer. This will also help in identifying pitbull diseases early on, which is why its important pit bull owners to take their pit bulls to the vet regularly. These dogs inherit several tendencies or diseases that reduce their life span and due to this wont live as long as other dogs. Pit bulls are a relatively healthy dog breed, and almost all pit bull types have the same average lifespan. If your dog gets affected by this disease, the lifelong medication will make things better. They are also affected by food allergies, particularly grain or wheat components. Myth #1: Pit bulls are purebreds Truth: A dog with a blocky head, almond eyes, broad chest, muscular build, and short hair must be a pit bull, right? The ball joint is formed when the outer end of the ball-like structure of the femur revolves inside the hip bone. Many factors will contribute to how long a pitbull lives, including diet, exercise, and overall health. is a website that provides information about pets. Your dogs overall health will be determined by their genetics, so when youre buying a pitbull, do that from a trustworthy breeder. Oldest pitbull on record is an American Pit Bull Terrier named Punkin who was born in February, 1989 and lived until November, 2002 a total of 13 years and 10 months. Your email address will not be published. While many pit bull owners dismiss this disease as mere bloating, it can be fatal within a few hours. Pit bulls were implicated in 76% of these criminal cases. They cause cloudy eyes, inflammation, and loss of eyesight. Ron Berman, a dog-bite expert and certified forensic consultant, agreed that this could be a scenario in which dogs attack their owner. The oldest living pit bull ever recorded is the 26-years old Max from Louisiana, USA. We had an issue where a lady wanted to meet her. When both dogs have genes free from this issue, only then can you ensure your dogs safety from this disease. However, your dog may live up to 20 years or die prematurely from a variety of causes, but you can anticipate at least a dozen happy years with your pitbull. The most common heart disease in Pitbulls is aortic stenosis. You should brush your dogs teeth with special toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. You should groom your Pitbull regularly and clean their ears to prevent skin allergies. Hip dysplasia in pit bulls is a hereditary condition in which the femur doesnt fit properly into the pelvic socket, so it has to work harder. Acute cerebellar ataxia is characterized by uncoordinated muscle movement owing to disease or injury to your Pitties cerebellum. Pitbulls can develop cancer due to bad breeding practices (genetics) or environmental hazards (including cigarette smoke). Like any living creature, they also have their own unique set of challenges that we need to be aware of if we want to keep our pibble healthy for as long as possible! Also, if provided with a good and nurturing environment indoors, your pitbull will live a longer and healthier life of over 15 years. It would help if you always had the eyes of your pit bull checked. Most will get dog aggressive at some point in their life. The website is a great resource for anyone who is considering getting a pet or who already owns one. Small dogs live up to 17 years in many cases, while some giant breeds like Mastiffs can already pass away at 8 years old. But the Pitbull has a shorter overcoat with the absence of a protective layer inside. Ichthyosis is a condition that occurs at birth that can become painful if not treated. Pit bulls are normally very active dogs, so they need regular walks and opportunities to run around in a yard or park. She is energized and full of play, if any dog becomes aggressive she will just bounce away best ever. One heart disease your dog could be at risk of is aortic valve stenosis or aortic stenosis. Red nose pitbull types usually dont have any health issues either, and their lifespan is also 12-14 years. There is a test with 99 percent accuracy to find the affected gene for this disease. Always avoid junk food and saturated fat for your dog. Pitbull obesity is one of the most common causes for pit bulls with short life spans. A dog with a pit bull fracture should be kept calm because stress can cause their blood pressure to increase, leading to internal bleeding. If what you have on your hands is a senior pit bull aged 8-9 years, take them to the vet twice a year for a wellness check. Hip dysplasia is commonly found in dogs with old age. Pit bulls are affectionate creatures who love receiving kisses and cuddles as much as they love giving it. Also, make sure they are breathing properly by checking for labored pit bull breathing. This is not a breed but rather a type of dog, and is often used as a metaphor. Pit bulls are a mixed-breed dog that is part pit bull and part other breeds. To see if your Pitbull has Hip Dysplasia, you will notice that they struggle to climb the stairs, as well as run. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'briskpets_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_19',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-briskpets_com-narrow-sky-2-0');You can consider a diet plan excellent for your Pitbull, which has added protein. You can support your dogs hips with a hip brace. Can Cats Eat Barbecue Sauce? In this article we shall take a look at some of the most common health problems that a Pitbull may have which can cause death, as well as some common issues. Gastric Dilation Volvulus is when the stomach of a Pit Bull twists on itself when it is full. When this recessive issue and genes meet with the dog with the same issues, the offspring will be suffering from fatal conditions. The best thing is, your pitbull will respond well to this treatment and will live a cancer-free life afterward (without side effects). Pit bulls are prone to knee problems. Overall, pit bulls are very good dogs and it is up to their pitbull owners to make sure they live a long life. They are bred for size and strength, making them naturally aggressive. There are also many other cases with pit bulls living over 20 years, which is proof that this puppy can be your long-term companion if properly cared for. If your pittie spends too much time outside, then they might be exposed to diseases, accidents or dog fights. This can cause hair loss, and also scratches due to them scratching and biting at the area. I socialized her with other dogs and humans. Pit bulls are prone to skin conditions, including irritations and allergies. Usually by early maturity. The effect of diseases may increase according to the age of your dog. Arthritis It isnt true, and you dont need to provide any different food, exercise, and training to these dogs because of the difference in their nose colors. The mobility issue can worsen and ultimately cripple the dog. According to the American Animal Health Association, pit bulls usually die from the following diseases or conditions: - Cardiomyopathy (heart disease) - Nervous necrosis - Myasthenia gravis - Gastrointestinal disease - Arthritis - Allergies Pit Bull Health Issues Pit Bulls are members of the dog family and are known for their hardy nature and gentle What Do Pit Bulls Usually . Another inherited issue is suffering with Cerebellar Ataxia. Most of the breeders are not that committed to getting the test done. To treat a pit bull with a skin condition, it is important you consult your vet about the best treatment options (which usually include antibiotics). Choosing to be a parent to a Pit bull can be quite the challenging process, and even after you get one, you must be committed to taking care of them and ensuring that they live healthy. These factors can be summed up to the characteristics and type of pit bull. Most dogs can express their glands naturally by scooting across the carpet, but others need their glands expressed regularly to avoid infection. Pit bulls are not slim dogs, so its important to make sure your pit bull gets regular exercise and eats healthy food (high-fiber dog food), which will help in preventing weight problems. Otherwise in great health, Hi Deborah, it sounds like you may want to discuss your concerns with your veterinarian and make sure there isnt an underlying health concern that needs to be addressed, I had a pit bull Zander I took him to the vet because he had bloody diarrhea..the vet said he had a very bad bacteria infection and very dehydrated suggested euthanizing him now I regret it I should of not done that after reading these items he could of been cured.., You should always get a second opinion. After the first couple of months of trying pain and anti-inflammatory medications, her veterinarian recommended trying acupuncture. Any Pitbull can expect to live for 8 to 16 years, with a normal lifespan of 10 to 14 years for a healthy Pitbull. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'briskpets_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_23',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-briskpets_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');There are rare cases that the Pitbull attacks their owners and family members. The following is a list of the diseases that Pitbulls are susceptible to. If the parents had a happy and healthy life of more than 10 to 12 years, this is your cue. There is no specific age for this disease, and your Pitbull can suffer from it at any stage of life. The good news is, your dog will recover quickly from the surgery, so it wont be in a lot of pain. I suspect it is because shes eating too fast. If your dog is outside the safe, fenced area, it should always wear a collar and a leash, especially if its a young and energetic dog. Pit bulls live between 8 and 16 years on average. The femur is connected with the ligaments, and they allow free movement for your Pitbull. You need to provide them with soft and comfortable bedding to avoid any complications. Pitbulls are known for suffering with problems with their back legs. Thats what we call success! If discovered earlier, pharmaceutical medications can help soothe cataracts; otherwise, surgery will be needed to remove the excess protein buildup. This worst-case scenario can decrease the life of your loving dog for more than 2 to 4 years. Spaying or Neutering your Pit bull could positively impact their longevity. This helps in preventing dental problems like tartar buildup, plaque bacteria, and food particles from the pit bulls tooth surface. Gastrointestinal disease This will not only make sure that your pup stays happy but also help them stay healthy which will lead to a long life span. [] This will cause the dog pain, and maybe even arthritis. Faithful pit bulls have good lifespans and can live 13-15 years with few health complications (they're hardy dogs). We are a family of rescuers who have worked with small animal shelters around the Southern Illinois, Im a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. The American Bulldog Guide from A Vet's Perspective,, Common Pit Bull Health Problems You Need to Know About (, Pitbull Ear Cropping: Risks And Why You Shouldnt Do It, 4 Reasons Why French Bulldogs Are So Expensive (#1 May Surprise You), The American Bulldog Guide from A Vets Perspective. There are a number of other health problems that pit bulls can have. The variety of Pit Bull you have as well as their overall health will play a part in your dogs life expectancy. The instant addition to the family will make you do things for your new buddy. However, how long your Pit bull will live is decided by factors like genetics and of course how you care for them. Recommended Read: 30+ Pitbull Statistics Every Pitbull Lover Should Know. It is a hereditary disease that affects the nervous system of the Pitbull. Breeding predispose pit bulls to some health conditions like: Taking good care of your Pitbull can contribute to these furry babies living longer and healthier lives. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The life expectancy increases when the dog comes from a short breed. Pit bulls are prone to ichthyosis disorder. They have a life expectancy of about 12-14 years, which is pretty good considering that many other dog breeds only live for about 8-10 years. Before getting to know more about their age and how you can stretch their lifespan, lets break a common myth about the red and blue nose breeds. Indoor dogs arent prone to accidents or diseases. I would recommend checking with your Vet. Specifically, pit bulls are at high risk for hypothyroidism. By using supplements to support the aching joints and all-natural muscle supplements, such as fortetropin can help optimize muscle mass and health, which in turn can help support better mobility for our arthritic patients. Dr. Albert Ahn, Veterinary AdvisorMYOS Pet. Dont feed them too much food or follow the directions at the back of dog food bags as some of them recommend unhealthy portions. The movement will be restricted when the dog has developed an issue in the femur and hip joint. In Spite of all these, Pit Bulls are still one of the best and sweetest dog companions to own, as they are sweet and adorable when raised in a caring and supportive family. Handlers are not permitted to touch the dogs except when told to do so by the referee. Many pit bulls die in car accidents, so pit bull owners should consider using a fence where their dogs will run and explore, and keep them away from getting hit by a car. Dont leave your dog uncared for, especially overnight. A Pitbull has short hair, so they are prone to a number of issues when it comes to their skin. It can range from them having an allergy, to growing tumors and suffering with skin cancer (Find out Are Pitbulls Hypoallergenic?). The most common name for this disease is bloat. There are various diseases mentioned above that can be part of Pitbulls body because of affected genes. Pit bulls are genetically predisposed to hip and hind leg problems. After eating food, pitbulls with this condition will have excess gas in their tummies. Dogs with hip dysplasia will have difficulty climbing stairs, running, and face lameness in the hind legs. The average life span of a Pit bull is 10-14 years. Can Dogs Eat Pistachios? Smaller pit bulls as is with other dog breeds, typically live longer as long as they are healthy and well taken care of. As a pit bull owner, youll have to come to terms with the fact that this type of dog breed is prone to lots of diseases which they are predisposed to due to their genetics and sometimes size. Heres How To Keep Them Safe! How old do Pitbulls get before they die? Worms are one of the worst enemies of dogs. The vet will help diagnose the diseases initially and help your dog stay fit for the rest of its life. When the Pitbull crosses the average age, the chances for hip dysplasia increase even higher. Make sure the ingredients in the dog food meet all of its nutritional needs and provide enough proteins (without too many carbs), so your pet can have strong muscles as well as an active heart. Pitbulls live for about 8 to 15 years and have an average lifespan of 12 years. The cranial cruciate ligament is a thin tissue on a Pit bulls knee that connects the thigh bone to the tibia. Nope. You should also get bloodwork done to find any potential health issues and treat them accordingly. Recognized by the United Kennel Club in 2013 but not yet by the American Kennel Club, the breed came from the American pit bull terrier and other bulldog-type breeds. So, if your pitbull has a good vet and you do everything possible in terms of pitbull care, they will likely live a healthy life without heart problems. Vets can find out about pitbull weight problems or pitbull illnesses before they worsen and affect their health condition. Apr. Has anyone else had this problem, if so Help. Hip dysplasia is a genetic disease where the hip and femur ball joint is affected by an anomaly or a growth. They are very possessive, and for the protection of their family and territory, they can charge on a person and a dog as well. Cerebellar Ataxia is an inherited condition characterized by poor muscle coordination and imbalance, with signs often showing as dogs age and is a genetic condition that impacts 1 in 400 pit bulls. When your Pittie is outside, do well to keep them on a leash and if you must leave them unattended, ensure that they are kept in an enclosed or fenced area and monitor them. Also, you should always check for ticks on them after going outside because they are very common in pit bulls. Your dog doesnt know about the disease and will love to play more and enjoy the activities. Is My French Bulldog Overweight? Juvenile cataracts develop at a much younger age, usually before the age of 6. Is also 12-14 years ligament is a genetic disease where the hip bone scratches to! Trying acupuncture eyes of your loving dog for more than 10 to years... Of is aortic stenosis as a metaphor what do pit bulls usually die from knee that connects the thigh bone to tibia. Provide them with soft and comfortable bedding to avoid any complications will recover quickly from the pit are. Glands naturally by scooting across the carpet, but others what do pit bulls usually die from their glands expressed to... 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